Eastern Kern Air APCD
Wood Smoke Reduction Program (WSRP) is out of funds
The District offers rebate vouchers through its Wood Smoke Reduction Program (WSRP) to replace Non-EPA certified wood stoves with new EPA certified wood, pellet, or electric stove, or to install an EPA certified wood, pellet, or electric fireplace insert into a home that uses the heating device as its primary source of heat. The WSRP is currently over subscribed and out of funds.
More InformationJeremiah Cravens, Compliance Supervisor
(661) 862-5250
Santa Barbara County Heat Clean Program- The Heat Clean Program is expected to reopen in late winter 2025. Please email heatclean@sbcapcd.org to be added to our notification list about a future program.
This voluntary program is designed to help households replace an uncertified wood-burning stove, fireplace insert, or fireplace used as a primary source of heat with a cleaner and more efficient electric heating device. The program offers vouchers toward the purchase and installation of an electric heater with a focus on air-source heat pumps. For more information on heat pumps visit: All About Heat Pumps (heatpumpcalc.com).
Some households may qualify for the full replacement amount, an Enhanced Inventive Voucher, depending on the applicant’s location in a State-designated low-income area, the applicant’s participation in a federal or State low-income assistance program, or the applicant’s household income. Those who do not qualify for the Enhanced Incentive Voucher may qualify for the Standard Voucher.
Glenn County Air Pollution Control District
We currently offer a woodstove replacement program in Glenn County, California.
San Joaquin Valley Air District.
Replace your old wood- or pellet-burning device with a new, cleaner option! The Fireplace & Woodstove Change-Out Program helps reduce particulate matter that comes from older wood-burning devices that contribute significantly to air pollution in the Valley during the Fall and Winter months. The replacement of existing gas and electric heating devices are not eligible under the program.
SLO County Air Pollution Control District
We have an active program right now – participants can replace their old fireplace/woodstove with an electric stove, electric heat pump or cleaner burning wood stove/insert/hybrid.
Program SpecificsYolo-Solano Air Quality Management District
YSAQMD implements a woodstove changeout program in which residents of a specific area in our jurisdiction can apply to receive vouchers to help cover the cost of an eligible new, cleaner heating device. You can access our website using the following link: https://www.ysaqmd.org/incentives/wood-smoke-reduction-program/. Destruction of the original, non-EPA certified woodstove or open-hearth fireplace is required. We offer a standard voucher for up to $2,500 and an enhanced voucher for up to $5,000 for low-income applicants. We are required to have a contract with any retailer who would like to participate in our program. Please let me know if you have further questions.