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HPBA Consumer Research

Would you like to sell more hearth products?

This extensive 75-page study, funded by HPBA every 2 years will give you invaluable information on how your customer thinks and what they want. What messaging can you do in your marketing to entice homeowners to your store? What ARE the percentages of homeowners who desire specific products…and which are those? Are you up against DIYers more than you think? How can you overcome the resistance to price? The dealer who does NOT read this will wonder why his competitor is doing so well.

HPBA Consumer Research

Do you know what grill inventory to buy next season?

This every-two-year survey monitors the trends in consumer desires for their outdoor cooking. Did you know that one-third of gas grill owners report repair problems? Is this an opportunity for you? Should you sell more quality grills or start a grill repair business? The pace of grill purchasing is up and so is the price. With over one-third of grill owners using dry rubs, does that give you an add-on sale opportunity? Who in the family initiates the grill purchase? Is there an opportunity to sell two grills to a family?

Safety Tips (3.66 x 8.5) (Click Here to View the Safety Tips)

Use these free flyer handouts for retailers and consumers
Be Sure your customers are knowledgeable about how safely enjoy their hearth.

Product Fact Sheets:

Offer these fact sheets to help your customers with: